All sports equipment must be clearly named and brought in an appropriate...
Inter-year football 2015 Saturday 21st March FOOTBALL INTER-YEAR 2015 S1 – S7 Game Time Pitch S4 vs S3 @ 11:00 2 S5 Vs S6 @ 11:00 1 S2 Vs...
EUROSPORT LUXEMBOURG 1 DRAW The draw for Eurosport Luxembourg 1 in March 2015 took place last weekend. There are some changes in the format of the competition in 2015 to make...
ESC Boston trip 2014 The first ESC trip to Boston organised during the first week of the Easter holidays was a great success and it was a fantastic sports trip...
Basketball Inter-Year Saturday, 17th May 2014 PROGRAMME 11:00 – 11:20 Mini-Basket(Team A vs Team B) 11:20 – 11:40 Mini-Basket vs S1 11:40 – 12:00 Junior Girls 1 v...
EUROSPORT 2015 LUXEMBOURG1 The first Eurosport practices will take place on week 12th & 19th May 2014. The practices schedule, list with name of students invited for these sessions in each...
ESC BASKETBALL U19 Girls European School Culham vs. Princess Risborough Date: Tuesday 18th March Tip-off: 4pm Venue: European School Culham J.Carlos
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