All sports equipment must be clearly named and brought in an appropriate...
The first Eurosport practices will take place on week 12th & 19th May 2014. The practices schedule, list with name of students invited for these sessions in each sport is attached. Students on school trips will be excused for the first session.
boys and girls- list posted
Practices-timetable-May 2014
The Practices will take place:
Basketball @ESC (Sports Hall)
Volleyball @ESC (Sports Hall)
Table Tennis @ ESC (Old Gym)
Running @ ESC (meet in the Old Gym)
Swimming at the Headington School: Students can arrive from 20:15. Please use the entrance via the Headley Way entrance, the barrier on your left should be open to drive in and park/drop students next to the Astro pitch. We expect to have only the students inside the Pool. Thanks!
Postcode: Headington School, Oxford, OX3 0BL
Eurosport Selected Sports :
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