All sports equipment must be clearly named and brought in an appropriate...
All sports equipment must be clearly named and brought in an appropriate sports bag. Showers are available (bring your own towel).
Boys S1 – S5
Whilst the kit items for S6 &S7 remains the same as above , pupils from S6 & S7 can if they wish choose to wear a sport shirt /top of their own choice provided that it is suitable for the activity.
Girls S1 – S5:
Girls S6-S7:
Whilst the kit items for S6 &S7 remains the same as above , pupils from S6 & S7 can if they wish choose to wear a sport shirt /top of their own choice provided that it is suitable for the activity. Please note: Vest tops should not be worn.
For both boys and girls, a tracksuit/sweat top will be useful for outdoor sessions